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We in the Nordic Asa-community are actively working for a future where Asatru has a more prominent role in society. This is achieved by attracting more members and growing as an organization and in time becoming more and more visible in society. As a member, you will contribute to the realization these plans and help build a stronger sense of community in our society.

We are also working in the following areas:

  • Preserve traditions.
    Since ancient times, such as the bonfires, Midsummer, Blot, Yule-goats and more.
    Of course, we are no strangers to new elements in our traditions, but we want to preserve the old, what we enjoy. The Nordic way.
  • Statues and memorials.
    We will design and start placing statues and other memorials around the Nordic countries again. As it once was. We will also contribute funds to the restoration of monuments, finds and artefacts from the ancient Nordic countries.
  • Food and diet.
    We are actively working towards a better and healthier diet A diet without artificial additives or colourings. We have no need for these substances and they should be excluded from all diets. Especially in institutions where individuals cannot choose for themselves. Such as schools, health centres and nursing homes.
    You can download a special diet certificate for schools/preschools here, which has been specially designed for us as Norse heathens.
  • Nature and animals.
    We are working for increased understanding of animals, nature and every person’s role in the natural world. This is particularly important in schools.
  • Gudahof / Asa-center.
    We currently have plans and drawings for the Asa-Centre, which we will build as soon as we have the membership base and financial possibilities. In addition to building the Asa-centre or hof, we will work to run premises or places where Asatruers can meet and practice their customs.

    We will of course try to build at least one Asa-centre or similar in each Nordic country and where we have a membership base.

    When we have the Asa-centre/Hof ready, we will also build burial cairns and ensure that people can be both married and buried in their own faith.
  • Burial grounds:
    An important goal is that we, as norse heathens, have our own burial grounds, our goal is to have at least one burial ground in each district.
  • Homes for elderly members.
    An important goal is to secure good care for elderly members. To do this, we will start running homes for the elderly as soon as we have the financial resources to do so.
    Such a retirement home will be run with a focus on Nordic traditions and approaches. The community will provide funds to ensure the quality of both accommodation and catering. No hardship should befall those who built this country for us.
    We will have Nordic traditions with Nordic diet where the residents can of course help to get the homemade food ready and on the table. A home where there are good opportunities for fresh air and a garden to enjoy the sun. A home where there is access to an extra cup of coffee and an extra sandwich. This should be a given, but unfortunately it is not in today’s society.

Visions at the Asa Centre / Hof







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